Amnesty Lodge

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Amnesty Lodge is a lodge located in Kepler that secretly houses the many monsters and cryptids that have been exiled from their homeworld, Sylvain.

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Entranceedit | hide | edit source

On the outside of the Lodge is a wooden sign hanging over the entrance that reads "Amnesty Lodge", and a wooden plank path cutting through a charming, well-tended garden, that leads up to the lobby.

Lobbyedit | hide | edit source

The lodge's central lobby resembles a geodesic wooden dome. Branching off either side of this central hub are the lodge’s two guest wings, which have a natural log-cabin aesthetic, with lamplit verandas peeking out of each room.

In the rear of this lobby is a large open space with windows looking outward into the woods with dining tables and chairs scattered about. There’s also a cut-out window in this dining space into a small kitchen, there’s a small sign hanging in the entrance to one of those guest wings directing guests to a hot spring behind the building, and there’s a large hearth in the middle of this room.

Hot Springsedit | hide | edit source

Located behind the Amnesty Lodge. The energy inside the springs is used by the lodge's Sylvan residents as a way to feed and rejuvenate themselves, and occasionally by human residents and guests for recreation/relaxation.

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